Rules of Hypergraphy

Gangloff, Paul; Matter, Marc; Metzger, Hans; Metzger, Gretel; Nawrot, Karl; Piringer, Jörg; Sabatier, Roland. Rules of Hypergraphy. Nijmegen, Pays-Bas: Extrapool.

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Abstract (English)

"Hypergraphy was not the first name the Lettrists gave to their new practice, in which the use of individual letters, and not words, formed the basic elements of their poetry and music, and later, their painting and sculpture. they also considered the names 'metagraphy' and 'olography'. However, 'metagraphy' was abandoned after it had been used by the Internationale Lettriste, a dissident group who were more interested in agitpop than in making art. Besides disassembling words into letters, hypergraphics also include a wide range of non-alphabetical graphics and symbols, that can be used to form sound and shape arranged according to different rules. This results in previously unseen and unheard sequences of signs. And as indecipherable as these hypergraphics are, would it then be correct to say they transmit no meaning at all?" -- p. [4] of cover.

Types: Monographs
All Contributors: Gangloff, Paul (Author); Matter, Marc (Author); Metzger, Hans (Author); Metzger, Gretel (Author); Nawrot, Karl (Author); Piringer, Jörg (Author); Sabatier, Roland (Author)
Dossier: 800 - DESIGN
Collation: 102 p. : ill. ; 20 cm
ISBN: 9789074781008
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Nijmegen, Pays-Bas: Extrapool
Copyright Statement: Extrapool; the authors

Includes bibliographical references.

Deposited by: Collections
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2015 21:31
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2015 21:31
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