Ironic to Iconic : the Performance Works of Tanya Mars

Sawchuk, Kim; Couillard, Paul; Ledoux, Paul; Paterson, Andrew James; Oughton, John; Patterson, Pam; Nash, Joanna; Duff, Tagny; Oille, Jennifer; Gledhill, Randy; Tuer, Dot; Kwan, Will; Henricks, Nelson; Fisher, Jennifer. Ironic to Iconic : the Performance Works of Tanya Mars. Toronto, Ont.: FADO, 2008.

On-site consultation
Types: Anthologies, essays, collections ; Audio, visual, multimedia
All Contributors: Sawchuk, Kim (Author); Couillard, Paul (Editor); Couillard, Paul (Artist); Couillard, Paul (Author); Ledoux, Paul (Artist); Ledoux, Paul (Author); Paterson, Andrew James (Artist); Paterson, Andrew James (Author); Oughton, John (Artist); Oughton, John (Author); Patterson, Pam (Artist); Patterson, Pam (Author); Nash, Joanna (Artist); Nash, Joanna (Author); Duff, Tagny (Artist); Duff, Tagny (Author); Oille, Jennifer (Artist); Oille, Jennifer (Author); Gledhill, Randy (Artist); Gledhill, Randy (Author); Tuer, Dot (Author); Kwan, Will (Artist); Kwan, Will (Author); Henricks, Nelson (Artist); Henricks, Nelson (Author); Fisher, Jennifer (Author)
Dossier: 410 - MARS, TANYA
Location: CD/DVD mis dans l’Armoire des documents numériques
Collation: xxxiii, 254 p. : ill. ; 23 cm + 1 DVD - (Canadian Performance Art Legends ; 2)
ISBN: 9780973088311
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Toronto, Ont.: FADO
Artists: Mars, Tanya

Biographical notes.|Subject index.|Includes bibliographical references.|Includes DVD.

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Date Deposited: 13 May 2008
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2012 22:22
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