German Art Now : An Art & Design Profile

Klotz, Heinrich; Davvetas, Demosthenes; Benjamin, Andrew; Franzke, Andreas; Buchloh, Benjamin H.D.; Grasskamp, Walker; Rogoff, Irit; Govan, Michael; Galloway, David; Crowther, Paul; Lindenau, Regina. German Art Now : An Art & Design Profile. London, England: Academy Editions; New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1989.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

Beginning with the seminal role of Joseph Beuys, the authors focus on questions of representational strategies and subject matter in the work of several contemporary German artists. Statements by and interviews with the artists punctuate the text. 50 bibl. ref.

Types: Monographs
All Contributors: Klotz, Heinrich (Author); Davvetas, Demosthenes (Author); Benjamin, Andrew (Author); Franzke, Andreas (Author); Buchloh, Benjamin H.D. (Author); Richter, Gerhard (Interviewee); Grasskamp, Walker (Author); Rogoff, Irit (Author); Govan, Michael (Author); Galloway, David (Author); Crowther, Paul (Author); Klotz, Heinrich (Interviewer); Fetting, Rainer (Interviewee); Lüpertz, Markus (Interviewee); Lindenau, Regina (Author); Papadakis, Andreas C. (Editor); Pehnt, Wolfgang (Interviewer)
Dossier: 600 - ALLEMAGNE / GERMANY
Collation: 96 p. : 101 ill. (78 col.) ; 28 x 23 cm. - (Art & Design Profile ; 16)
ISBN: 0312040911
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: London, England: Academy Editions; New York, NY: St. Martin's Press
Artists: Beuys, Joseph; Haacke, Hans; Kiefer, Anselm; Richter, Gerhard; Polke, Sigmar; Penck, A. R.; Baselitz, Georg; Lupertz, Markus; Fetting, Rainer; Dahn, Walter; Naher, Christa; Zimmer, Bernd; Oehlen, Albert; Buttner, Werner; Middendorf, Helmut; Dokoupil, Jiri Georg; Koberling, Bernd; Meuser; Horn, Rebecca; Droese, Felix; Ruthenbeck, Reiner; Trockel, Rosemarie; Herold, Georg; Kiecol, Hubert; Mucha, Reinhard; Immendorf, Jorg; Bach, Elvira; Lange, Thomas; Hodicke, Karl-Horst; Hacker, Dieter; Chevalier, Peter; Albert, Hermann; Schindler, Thomas; Heidacker, Stephanus; Salome; Barfuss, Ina; Castelli, Luciano
Keywords: GERMANY

First published in Great Britain in 1989 by "Architectural Design", an imprint of the Academy Group (London, England).|Published as part of "Art & Design", vol. 5, no. 9-10 (1989).

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Date Deposited: 18 Oct 1990
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:35
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