Olivia Whetung : Passages

Willard, Tania. Olivia Whetung : Passages. Toronto, Ont.: Gallery 44, 2018.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

"In Olivia Whetung’s exhibition Passages, an intended overlap in meaning of : a passage of text, a passage of water, and the passage of time, all relate to a sense of moving through the collected works in the exhibition. The works embody the associative process the artist uses in her pixel-to-bead grids for the translation of photographic pixels into individual glass beads that render depictions of text, water, land and sound. All works encompass acts of translation and function as associative mnemonic devices, reminders of ancestral echoes and future reverberations." -- p. [2].

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues ; Exhibition ephemera
All Contributors: Willard, Tania (Author); imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival;
Dossier: 410 - WHETUNG, OLIVIA
Collation: [4] p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Toronto, Ont.: Gallery 44
Artists: Whetung, Olivia
Critics / Curators / Historians: Willard, Tania
Art Organizations: Exhibition Centres > Canada > Ontario > Gallery 44 (Toronto)
Event Title: Olivia Whetung : Passages
Type: Exhibition
Location: Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
Dates: 19 Oct. - 1 Dec. 2018
Copyright Statement: G44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
Official URL: https://gallery44.org/sites/default/files/attachme...
Related URLs:

Curator's and artist's bio p. [4].

Deposited by: Contractuel Artexte
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2018 20:16
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2018 20:16
URI: http://e-artexte.ca/id/eprint/30027
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