Montréal Berlin 88-89

Rosshandler, Léo; Wiesler, Herman. Montréal Berlin 88-89. Montréal, Qc: Lavalin, 1988.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

The authors comment on this exchange between Montreal and Berlin artists and provide a history of the two cities. Short statements on each artist's work describe and interpret the work. Biographical notes.


Les auteurs commentent cet échange entre artistes berlinois et montréalais, et fournissent une histoire des deux cités. De brefs textes décrivent et interprètent le travail de chacun des 20 artistes. Notices biographiques.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues
All Contributors: Rosshandler, Léo (Curator); Rosshandler, Léo (Author); Wiesler, Herman (Curator); Wiesler, Herman (Author); Rabinovitch, Cecil (Prefacer); Lamarre, Bernard (Prefacer); Sixt, Dieta (Prefacer); Hassemer, Volker (Prefacer); Goyer, Jean-Pierre (Prefacer)
Dossier: 500 - MONTRÉAL BERLIN 88-89 (Montréal, Qc - Berlin, Allemagne)
Collation: 100 p. : 70 ill. (23 en coul.) ; 29 x 21 cm
Language of Publication: French; English; German
Publishers: Montréal, Qc: Lavalin
Artists: Allikas, Barry; Assig, Martin; Berezowsky, Liliana; Bilger, Christian; Blain, Dominique; Cantin, Jean-François; Eller, Ulrich; Gais, Christoph M.; Garneau, Marc; Klie, Hans-Peter; Merz, Albert; Moore, David; Paiement, Alain; Rothhaar, Barbel; Stuck, Norbert; Tousignant, Serge; Villeneuve, Daniel; Von Ostrowski, Martin; Wagner, Gunther; Wagschal, Marion
Critics / Curators / Historians: Wiesler, Hermann; Langer, Mathias; Rosshandler, Leo; Krausz, Peter
Events: Montréal Berlin 88-89 (Montréal, Qc - Berlin, Allemagne)
Event Statement: Exposition tenue à Montréal en 1988 (Centre Saidye Bronfman, Galerie d'art Lavalin et Goethe-Institut) et à Berlin en 1989 (Karl Hofer Gesellschaft et Hochschule der Künste).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 1989
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2012 13:30
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