Why are you telling me this? : Eleven Acts of Intimate JournalismTools Layton, David; Powell, Marilyn; Macfarlane, David; Kostash, Myrna; Sullivan, Rosemary; Seesequasis, Paul; Tracey, Lindalee; Wolfe, Morris; Martin, Sandra; Robinson, Laura; Davies, Myra. Why are you telling me this? : Eleven Acts of Intimate Journalism. Banff, Alta: Banff Centre Press, 1997.
Abstract (English)This thought-provoking anthology contains eleven passionate memoirs by Canadian journalists who participated in the Arts Journalism Program at the Banff Centre. Alberto Manguel's introduction focuses on the differences between writing in the first person and third person. The essays approach the subjects of fear, racism, love, eroticism, listening to music, Native issues, affirmative action and death. Biographical notes. 23 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):