Performance in Postmodern CultureTools Benamou, Michel; Bernstein, Cheryl; Blau, Herbert; Charles, Daniel; Durand, Régis; Jabès, Edmond; Federman, Raymond; Hassan, Ihab; Lyotard, Jean-François; Palmer, Richard; Rothenberg, Jerome; Tatham, Campbell; Turner, Victor. Performance in Postmodern Culture. Milwaukee, WI: The Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin; s.l.: Madison, WI : Coda Press, 1977.
Abstract (English)This compelling anthology traces the development of postmodern performance by gathering together essays of fourteen authors who consider topics such as the differences between ritual and theatre, psychoanalytic theory of film and music, and performative writing. Issues concerning representation, myth, langage, the body and memory are discussed within the cultural frameworks of philosphy, politics and modern technology. Federman's poems in English and French. Onomastic index 4 p. Biographical notes on contributors. Circa 180 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):