Faye HeavyShield, Shelley Niro, Eric Robertson : Nations In Urban LandscapesTools Crosby, Marcia; Smith, Paul Chaat. Faye HeavyShield, Shelley Niro, Eric Robertson : Nations In Urban Landscapes. Vancouver, BC: Contemporary Art Gallery, 1997.
Abstract (English)Catalogue of a group exhibition - consisting of works by HeavyShield, Niro and Robertson - which calls attention to the hybrid histories of aboriginal communities located within the urban landscape. Crosby's analysis of the works focuses on subjects of authenticity, origin, tradition and Native self-government. Smith's self-reflexive examination of "Indianness" is primarily concerned with issues of racism, colonialism, identity and self-victimization. Includes detailed descriptions of works in the exhibition. Biographical notes. 26 bibl. ref.
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