Lost HomelandsTools Hurtig, Annette; De Oca Moreda, Dannys Montes; Young Man, Alfred; Edwards, Elizabeth; McCabe, Shauna; Bailey, Jann L.M.; Piña, Manuel; Puranen, Jorma; Yoon, Jin-me. Lost Homelands. Kamloops, BC: Kamloops Art Gallery; Charlottetown, PEI: s.n., 1999.
Abstract (English)This catalogue documents a touring exhibition comprised of photo-based works by four artists – M. Piña (Cuba), J. Puranen (Finland), E. Poitras and J. Yoon (Canada) – whose works present a critical look at the role of landscape in the construction of national identity and official historical narratives of homeland. Hurtig provides brief descriptive analyses of the artists’ works. The concept of landscape and issues of home, place and belonging are considered in relation to photography’s documentary function. Texts by D. Montes de Oca Moreda (on Piña), A. Young Man (on Poitras), E. Edwards (on Puranen) and S. McCabe (on Yoon) draw attention to a wide range of topics including: the relationship between place, memory and identity; issues of authorship, displacement and cultural marginalization; the colonization of the aboriginal peoples; and First Nations’ history and mythology. Artist’s statements by Piña, Puranen and Yoon. List of works. Biographical notes. 66 bibl. ref.
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