GhostwriterTools Patton, Andy; Hassan, Jamelie; Barkhouse, Mary Anne; McMaster, Gerald; Fabo, Andy; Chen, Millie. Ghostwriter. Toronto, Ont.: Mercer Union, 1998.
Abstract (English)A publication documenting the “Ghostwriter” series of exhibitions presented in Mercer Union’s project room throughout 1996 and 1997. It includes: a brief statement by the project organizers; an essay by Patton on the subject of curatorial practice; and five essays on selected artists’ works by the artists/writers who organized the exhibitions. Patton’s essay focuses on how contemporary artworks are limited by curatorial interpretations grounded in notions of universality, objectivity and truth. Hassan’s text on S. Neshat’s work addresses themes of memory, childhood and the role of women within Islam. Barkhouse’s response to works by J. Abrams, F. HeavyShield and V. Verkley touches on issues of survival and colonization. G. McMaster situates the works of D. Hall and R. Houle within the context of aboriginal culture/history. A. Fabo’s essay on works by C. Boudreau/A. Golden, B. Cehan and J. McLachlin foregrounds issues of identity, desire and queer culture. Finally, M. Chen suggests the works of M. Gay, J. Kerbel and E. Von Michalofski offer an implicit critique of modern technology and science by foregrounding the “organic intelligence of a corporeal language.” Biographical notes on artists and authors. 35 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):