Sifted : The Read Room

Hennessy, Neil; Le Heup, Jason; Johanson, Reg; Turner, Jeremy; Knighton, Ryan; Knighton, Mykol; Farr, Roger; Lamb, Tessa; Turnbull, Chris and leannej. Sifted : The Read Room. Vancouver, BC: Artspeak Gallery, 2001.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

This CD ROM was made to accompany a group exhibition at Artspeak, in which the gallery was transformed into a reading room. The brief introduction to the seven pieces by writers (and their collaborators) from Vancouver and Toronto, states that the works (incorporating photography, text and sound) cross boundaries between writing, visual art and technological applications. Fictional, poetic and autobiographical styles are used to address issues of memory, the everyday, religion and art.

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues ; Audio, visual, multimedia
All Contributors: Hennessy, Neil (Artist); Hennessy, Neil (Author); Le Heup, Jason (Curator); Le Heup, Jason (Artist); Le Heup, Jason (Author); Johanson, Reg (Artist); Johanson, Reg (Author); Turner, Jeremy (Artist); Turner, Jeremy (Author); Knighton, Ryan (Artist); Knighton, Ryan (Author); Knighton, Mykol (Artist); Knighton, Mykol (Author); Farr, Roger (Artist); Farr, Roger (Author); Lamb, Tessa (Artist); Lamb, Tessa (Author); Turnbull, Chris (Artist); Turnbull, Chris (Author); leannej; leannej
Dossier: 353 - ARTSPEAK GALLERY (Vancouver)
Location: Réserve des formats numériques et documents audiovisuels
Collation: 1 compact disk ; 12 cm + 1 leaf ; 12 x 12 cm + 1 plastic case ; 13 x 15 x 1 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Vancouver, BC: Artspeak Gallery
Artists: Farr, Roger; Lamb, Tessa; Hennessy, Neil; Leannej; Turner, Jeremy; Johanson, Reg; Knighton, Ryan; Knighton, Mykol; Le Heup, Jason; Turnbull, Chris
Critics / Curators / Historians: Le Heup, Jason
Art Organizations: Exhibition Centres > Canada > British Colombia > Artspeak Gallery (Vancouver)
Event Statement: Exhibition dates: 28 Apr. - 2 June 2001, Artspeak Gallery (Vancouver).
Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2002
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2012 18:00
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