Manufactured Landscapes : The Photographs of Edward BurtynskyTools Pauli, Lori; Haworth-Booth, Mark; Baker, Kenneth. Manufactured Landscapes : The Photographs of Edward Burtynsky. Ottawa, Ont.: National Gallery of Canada/Musée des beaux-arts du Canada; New Haven, CT: s.n., 2003.
Abstract (English)Hardcover catalogue produced to accompany a major retrospective of Burtynsky's photographs. Pauli traces the development of his work and describes each series (railcuts, mines, quarries, shipbreaking yards, etc.). Haworth-Booth situates the work within the tradition of 19th and 20th century landscape photographers. Baker draws attention to how the work reveals "beauty as an unintended by-product of industry." Torosian's interview reveals the artist's inspirations, process, and the balance of form and content. Each text draws comparisons with other artists' works, and the concept of the sublime is addressed on numerous occasions. List of works, chronology and selected bibliography. Biographical notes. 42 bibl. ref.
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