SAVAC Members Juried ExhibitionTools Aziz, Sylvat; Benjamin, Siona; Ganesh, Chitra; Gill, Rummy; Mansuri, Samina; Rehman, Amin; Samarkoon, Sakun; Sanowar-Makhan, Tamara Zeta; Singh, Camilla; Viswanathan, Leela. SAVAC Members Juried Exhibition. Toronto, Ont.: South Asian Visual Arts Collective (SAVAC), 2002.
Abstract (English)This booklet for the SAVAC Members Juried Exhibition (2002) includes information on the South Asian Visual Arts Collective and a brief outline of the organisation's activities between 1993 and 2001. It also features statements by the artists included in the show; emphasis is placed on the issue of identity. Biographical notes. Edit this item (login required):