Counter Productive : Québec City Convergence Surrounding the Summit of the AmericasTools Palladino, Luca; Widgington, David; Fennario, David; Jones, Matt; Rhoder, Chester; Rozental, Manuel; Tinguely, Vincent; X, Dexter and Camille. Counter Productive : Québec City Convergence Surrounding the Summit of the Americas. Montreal, Qc: Cumulus Press, 2002.
Abstract (English)An anthology of dissenting voices reporting on the third Summit of the Americas in Quebec City in 2001, and criticising the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas. Representative of the anti-globalisation movement, this collection offers alternative, critical, and more personal perspectives from the protestors at the events, barely heard from in the coverage by the mainstream corporate media. Includes essays, first-hand accounts, poetry, statistics, collages, photographs, and a CD of spoken word, music and audio art. Biographical notes. List of resources. Edit this item (login required):