Art of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution : 1966-1976Tools Shengtian, Zheng; Watson, Scott; Campbell, Paloma. Art of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution : 1966-1976. Vancouver, BC: Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, University of British Columbia; Toronto, Ont.: s.n., 2002.
Abstract (English)This catalogue documents the first major exhibition of artwork produced during China’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR), an influential period that the curators argue has been overlooked by art historians and neglected due to its negative connotations. Shengtian discusses the organisation of the exhibition and refers to his own experience of the GPCR. Watson sketches an historical context for the art, while P. Campbell contributes a chronology of the events leading up to and including the GPCR. Annotated list of works in English and Chinese (13 p.).
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