OasisTools Blomgren, Lance; Poorter, Yvette; Henricks, Nelson; Gilbert, Sylvie; Dion, François. Oasis. Montréal, Qc: Liane and Danny Taran Gallery, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts; Union Bay, BC: s.n., 2001.
Abstract (English)This limited-edition artists’ book/exhibition catalogue was published on the occasion of a group show featuring multidisciplinary works by 22 artists, on the theme of “doing nothing.” The book’s jacket, which also serves as a poster, includes brief descriptions of the works, gathered under three categories: Passing Time (pointless activities and empty pleasures); The Great Outdoors (leisure, recreation, vacation); Escape/Dislocation (the conflict between work and leisure). The book itself contains numerous shorts texts, interspersed with illustrations and photographs of the works. Lists of works and contributors. Edit this item (login required):