Double-Cross: The Hollywood Films of Douglas GordonTools Monk, Philip. Double-Cross: The Hollywood Films of Douglas Gordon. Toronto, Ont.: The Power Plant; Toronto, Ont.: Art Gallery of York University, 2003.
Abstract (English)"Double Cross, Douglas Gordon's solo exhibition in Fall 2000, examines the artist's intervention into Hollywood film, focusing on works by Gordon whose source films developed within the Hollywood tradition of film noir. Although Gordon works within extant bodies of film, he acts as an author mirroring his own themes in those of his host films. His fictional world is carefully structured with its formal interventions focussing attention on the themes of madness and the double, the chiasm of fate, and the binding of trust and guilt. Beyond good and evil, Gordon's work is all about dissemblance. This book, co-published with the Art Gallery of York University includes an essay by Philip Monk" -- Publisher's website.
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