Post Script 1 : Here You Should Read (That Something is Awry)Tools Slade, Kathy. Post Script 1 : Here You Should Read (That Something is Awry). Vancouver, BC: Artspeak Gallery, 2002.
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Abstract (English)"As we enter Calgary artist Robin Arseneault's exhibition at Artspeak Gallery, we are greeted by a drawing of a rain cloud cut into the shape of a raindrop. Below it drip curious pairs of black Xs rendered out of electrical tape. We are instructed by the exhibition's title:here you should read (that something is awry). Taking Arseneault's hint,which comes from Roland Barthes' The Lover's Discourse,excerpted from the short chapter titled "Clouds"and in its original context referring to temper or bad humor, we know these clouds are intended to be read as indices of emotion." -- Kathy Slade, page 1.
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