Thinking TextileTools Koenker, Deborah. Thinking Textile. Richmond, BC: Richmond Art Gallery, 2004.
Abstract (English)"Much of this work is highly inventive, focused on ideas and issues, and while craft is of necessity considered in making any work of art, with this work craft is secondary to conceptual considerations. While some work successfully employs an impressive obessiveness, there is often an irreverent, refreshing approach to the traditional notions of craft which transcends the tired art/craft debate. In fact, this work assumes its place unselfconsciously, never questioning its right to participate in the postmodernist debate challenging various aspects of established social, political, and feminist/gender attitudes. In a political stance parallel to its engagement with topical themes of racial identity, marginalization, and the undervaluation of women’s work both in the domestic realm and in the art world, this work rejects its prescribed position at the margins of contemporary art. In the spirit of bad girl art, some of these artists challenge notions of what is public and what is private, assuming a deliberately transgressive stance in the examination of gender and sexuality." -- Publisher's website.
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