Harun Farocki : One Image Doesn't Take the Place of the Previous OneTools Brooke, Janet M.; Farocki, Harun; Hüser, Rembert; Pantenburg, Volker; Thériault, Michèle; Tomas, David. Harun Farocki : One Image Doesn't Take the Place of the Previous One. Montréal, Qc: Galerie Leonard Bina Ellen Art Gallery; Kingston, Ont.: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 2008.
Abstract (English)"This publication is the result of an exhibition project which, for the first time in North America, brings together installations by German filmmaker Harun Farocki. Organised and toured by the Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery of Concordia University, the exhibition consists of five installations created since the mid-1990s, as well as scheduled screenings of the 1969 film Inextinguishable Fire." -- page 7.
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