The Live Art AlmanacTools Atack, Tim; Brine, Daniel; Bunting, Madeleine; Duncombe, Stephen; Etchells, Tim; Gòmez-Peña, Guillermo; Hill, Leslie; Jordan, John; Mendelsohn, Adam E; Minton, Emmy; Riding, Chris; Ridout, Nick; Paterson, Mary; Pollard, Will; Wilsher, Mark. The Live Art Almanac. London, England: Live Art Development Agency, 2008.
Abstract (English)"The Live Art Almanac is a collection of "found" writing about and around Live Art. This title brings together texts which are representative of the most engaging, provocative, thoughtful writing around Live Art and the cultural landscape in which it is set, and which were first published between April 2006 and April 2008." -- Publisher's website.
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