A Split Second of Paradise : Live Art, Installation and Performance

Craddock, Sacha; Etchells, Tim; Kent, Sarah; Khan, Naseem; Levy, Deborah; Lomax, Yve; MacRitchie, Lynn; Phillips, Andrea; Warner, Marina. A Split Second of Paradise : Live Art, Installation and Performance. London, England: Rivers Oram Press, 1998.

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Abstract (English)

"Live art, installation and performance inspire growing audiences, attracting supporters across a range of contemporary art practices and disciplines. A Split Second of Paradise offers new texts by nine well-known writers on the work of leading artists working in live art." - p. [4] of cover.

Types: Monographs
All Contributors: Childs, Nicky (Editor); Walwin, Jeni (Editor); Craddock, Sacha (Author); Etchells, Tim (Author); Kent, Sarah (Author); Khan, Naseem (Author); Levy, Deborah (Author); Lomax, Yve (Author); MacRitchie, Lynn (Author); Phillips, Andrea (Author); Warner, Marina (Author); Knight, Judith (Prefacer)
Dossier: 800 - PERFORMANCE
Collation: 160 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 1854890999
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: London, England: Rivers Oram Press
Artists: Ackroyd, Heather; Baker, Bobby; English, Rose; Harvey, Daniel; Khan, Keith; Miller, Graeme; Station House Opera (Collective); Stevens, Gary
Copyright Statement: Nicky Childs; Jeni Walwin; Sacha Craddock; Tim Etchella; Sarah Kent; Naseem Khan; Deborah Levy; Yve Lomax; Lynn MacRitchie; Andrea Phillips; Marina Warner
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Includes bibliographical references.
Includes biographical notes.
Index p. 155-158.

Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2009
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2016 18:15
URI: http://e-artexte.ca/id/eprint/20912
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