Long Drop : The Paintings of Dil Hildebrand = Les peintures de Dil Hildebrand

Rhodes, Richard; Déry, Louise; Redfern, Christine; Hildebrand, Dil. Long Drop : The Paintings of Dil Hildebrand = Les peintures de Dil Hildebrand. s.l.: Anteism, 2009.

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Abstract (English)

"In the closing decades of the twentieth century, paint was in retreat. Conceptual art, performance art and photography held the foreground in contemporary art while painting lived in the shadows." -- p. 1


« Durant les dernières décennies du xxe siècle, la peinture battait en retraite. L'art conceptuel, la performance et la photographie occupaient l'avant-scène de l'art contemporain, tandis que la peinture, la matière autant que la technique, survivait dans les coulisses. » -- p. 1

Types: Catalogues > Catalogue raisonné ; Monographs
All Contributors: Rhodes, Richard (Author); Déry, Louise (Author); Redfern, Christine (Author); Hildebrand, Dil (Author)
Dossier: 410 - HILDEBRAND, DIL
Collation: 66 p. : ill. en couleurs. ; 26 x 21 cm
ISBN: 9780978485955
Language of Publication: English; French
Publishers: s.l.: Anteism
Artists: Hildebrand, Dil
Copyright Statement: Dil Hildebrand; Anteism Publishing

Comprend des notices biographiques.

Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 May 2010
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2015 16:22
URI: http://e-artexte.ca/id/eprint/21793
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