Blurting in A&L : An Index of Blurts and their Concatenation (the Handbook) Constitutes a Problematic; that is, You Can't (at Least Not Without Deliberation) Ignore Possible Pathways Without Losing Embeddedness (Idiolects); Deliberation (Here, the Issue of Going-on Becomes a Self-conscious Construction for the Reader) Admits Broader Reflection of a Context of Our/Your/Other Activities: Namely, the Structure of Our/Your Language/Culture and (the Prospect of) Revisability of Our/Your Language/Culture

Anon. Blurting in A&L : An Index of Blurts and their Concatenation (the Handbook) Constitutes a Problematic; that is, You Can't (at Least Not Without Deliberation) Ignore Possible Pathways Without Losing Embeddedness (Idiolects); Deliberation (Here, the Issue of Going-on Becomes a Self-conscious Construction for the Reader) Admits Broader Reflection of a Context of Our/Your/Other Activities: Namely, the Structure of Our/Your Language/Culture and (the Prospect of) Revisability of Our/Your Language/Culture. New York, NY: Art & Language; Halifax, NS: NSCAD, 1973.

On-site consultation
Types: Monographs ; Artists' publications > Artists' books
Dossier: 440 - ART & LANGUAGE (Collectif)
Location: 1965-1975 (projet de recherche)
Collation: 92 p. ; 23 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: New York, NY: Art & Language; Halifax, NS: NSCAD
Artists: Art And Language

Don de René Payant.

Deposited by: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 May 2011
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2012 17:06
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