Documenta 13: Das Logbuch : Katalog = Documenta 13 : The Logbook : Catalog 2/3

Anon. Documenta 13: Das Logbuch : Katalog = Documenta 13 : The Logbook : Catalog 2/3. Ostfildern, Allemagne: Hatje Cantz, 2012.

On-site consultation
Types: Catalogues > Event catalogues
All Contributors: Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn (Editor); Funcke, Bettina (Editor); Setari, Nicola (Editor)
Dossier: 500 - DOCUMENTA (Kassel, Allemagne)
Collation: 320 p., 664 col. ill., 20.70 x 25.20 cm
ISBN: 9783775729529
Language of Publication: English; German
Publishers: Ostfildern, Allemagne: Hatje Cantz
Events: Documenta (Kassel, Allemagne)
Event Title: Documenta 13
Type: Exhibition
Location: Kassel, Germany ; (Kabul, Afghanistan ; Alexandria-Cairo, Egypt ; Banff, Canada
Dates: 9 June - 16 Sept. 2012 ; 20 June - 19 July 2012 ; 1 July - 8 July 2012 ; 8 Aug. - 15 Aug. 2012
Copyright Statement: Hatje Cantz
Deposited by: Users 6 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2012 20:01
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2015 16:39
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