Duet, Trio, QuartetTools Bock, Anja; Horne, Stephen. Duet, Trio, Quartet. Halifax, NS: Saint Mary's University Art Gallery, 2010.
Abstract (English)"Even though Forster offers no closure, he also leaves us no way out. His poetic is not lyrical but parsing instead, as if decorticating the gestures of this Palestinian boy in search of a way to unleash the trauma but to no avail: we see only repetition. Perhaps the void you discuss is the result of the expressive, 'essential' self having vacated its prime position as the centre. In its place we have a precarious subject construed out of various tangents and commands, desire and damage...Forster's work forecloses conclusions. But there is an important but: not all political or life crises can afford to be left hanging. Resolutions need to be posited. Forster, however, suggests that art is inutile to this end, and therefore needs to find other grounds on which to argue its relevance. And this is where he is searching for meaning....That are has its own politics. Hussam Abdo was a teenage suicide bomber disarmed by Israeli soldiers at an army checkpoint near Nablus in 2004. DUET is a simplified reiteration an echo of Abdo's gestures. Two performers, a man and a woman, engage in a set of movements based on news-video footage." -- DVD case.
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