Omer Fast : 5,000 Feet is the BestTools Allen, Jennifer; Brown, Karen; Condorelli, Céline; Cox , Christoph; Critchely, Simon; Demos, T.j.; Kotz, Liz; Lee Podevska, Kristina; McCarthy, Tom; Paasche, Marit; Rohde, David; Simon, Joshua; Steck, Ed. Omer Fast : 5,000 Feet is the Best. Berlin Germany: Sternberg Press, 2012.
Abstract (English)"This publication focuses on a single work of art : 5,000 Feet is the Best (2011) by Omer Fast. With this cinematic video work, Fast has entered into a discussion about one of the most pressing issues today, namely drone surveillance and warfare - the use of unmanned planes operated by pilots on the ground. Organized to accompany exhibitions of Fast's work at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK) in Oslo (February 9 - May 6, 2012) and at the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery in Toronto (September 15 - November 25, 2012), this publication aims to bridge the gap between a critical reader and an artist book" -- p. 43.
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