3rd International Art Meeting Katowice 2000 = III Miedzynarodowe Spotkania Sztuki Katowice '2000Tools Bury, Jozef. 3rd International Art Meeting Katowice 2000 = III Miedzynarodowe Spotkania Sztuki Katowice '2000. Katowice, Pologne: Galeria Sztuki Wspólczesnej BWA, 2000.
Official URL: http://free.art.pl/international_art_meeting/index...
Abstract (English)"The energy in movement" is the topic of this year’s Symposium. We want to consider the question of the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation involved in creation, registration and transmission of actual artistic facts. Various forms of radiation that operates behind our senses (radio, ultra, infra, micro), used on purpose or in a way more or less spontaneous and subconscious, enrich the palette of today’s artists, in which the comprehensible ranges of radiation (heat, gravitation, visibility and audibility) are usually included. Today, the analysis of an artistic fact from the phenomenal point of view, traditionally related to the visible and audible ranges, should include the significantly extended range of electromagnetic radiation. The thing is not in observing or investigating the phenomena in themselves (this is the problem of science), but rather in the analysis of changes caused by the presence of such phenomena within artistic landscape. This concerns both the situation of coming of a work of art into being and the evolution of attitude and consciousness of the artist, as well as changes in perception of art that operates with energy from behind the area of sensation. Confrontation of photography with fine arts had once caused a radical change in the way of understanding the picture. Today, the influence of new technologies provokes an intensive dialogue of simultaneous effects of recognisable and non-sensible radiation. The complex character of the question of new artistic reality and the lack of critical instrument that would allow for its analysis make that the essence and creative assumptions of contemporary art are too often based upon various believes and shaded by a sparse esoteric interpretation. J. Bury, 2000 " -- http://art.action.anamnese.free.fr/3iam.html
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