The Grin Without the Cat

Anon. The Grin Without the Cat. Other (or unspecified), 2014.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

"我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat thus appears here as a sampling of ephemera and residuals—from daily life, from the structures of organization, from other possibilities and deadends, from things that never were, and, from a few ghosts. Specially prepared video dialogues and printed guides shall serve as your escorts and annotations to the more than 100 items included in this archive; the history they recount may lead you on any number of narrative journeys. Retrospection is production. A spirit attending a series of old objects. A kind of collaboration postmortem. There’s no more time to play! 我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat has been conceived and carried out by Orianna CACCHIONE, Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU." -- colophon

Types: Catalogues
Dossier: 383 - CHINE - HOMESHOP (Beijing)
Collation: [circa 200] p. ; 17 cm.
Language of Publication: Chinese; English
Critics / Curators / Historians: Yuan, Sun; Yu, Peng; Cancan, Cui
Event Title: Unlived by what is seen
Type: Exhibition
Location: Tang Contemporary Art Center (Beijing, China)
Dates: 13 Dec. 2014 - 15 Mar. 2015
Copyright Statement: Authors and artists
Deposited by: Intern Stagiaire
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2015 18:05
Last Modified: 15 Apr 2021 15:02
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