Global Activism : Art and Conflict in the 21st CenturyTools Weibel, Peter; Altay, Can; Bala, Sruti; Bazzichelli, Tatiana; Bertram-Nothangel, Olaf; Bonadies, Ángela; Olavarría, Juan José; Latour, Bruno; Sloterdijk, Peter. Global Activism : Art and Conflict in the 21st Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2015.
Abstract (English)"Today political protest often takes the form of spontaneous, noninstitutional, mass action. Mass protests during the Arab Spring showed that established systems of power—in that case, the reciprocal support among Arab dictators and Western democracies—can be interrupted, at least for a short moment in history. These new activist movements often use online media to spread their message. Mass demonstrations from Tahrir Square in Cairo to Taksim Square in Istanbul show the power of networked communication to fuel “performative democracy”—at the center of which stands the global citizen. Art is emerging as a public space in which the individual can claim the promises of constitutional and state democracy. Activism may be the first new art form of the twenty-first century." -- Publisher's website.
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