Sculpture Projects Muenster 07

Frangenberg, Frank. Sculpture Projects Muenster 07. Köln, Germany: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2007.

On-site consultation
Types: Catalogues > Event catalogues
All Contributors: Frangenberg, Frank (Author); Gaskins, Matthew (Translator)
Dossier: 600 - ALLEMAGNE / GERMANY
Collation: 89 p. : col. ill. ; 18 cm
ISBN: 9783865602817
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Köln, Germany: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
Artists: Althamer, Pawel; Asher, Michael; Baghramian, Nairy; Ben-Ner, Guy; Bijl, Guillaume; Boyce, Martin; Deller, Jeremy; Elmgreen, Michael; Dragset, Ingar; Feldmann, Hans-Peter; Garcia, Dora; Genzken, Isa; Greenfort, Tue; Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique; Hammons, David; Jouve, Valérie; Kelley, Mike; Kinoshita, Suchan; Lehanka, Marko; Metzger, Gustav; Meyer, Eva; Shaerf, Eran; Narkevicius, Deimantas; Nauman, Bruce; Pask, Maria; Pernice, Manfred; Philipsz, Susan; Rosier, Martha; Schutte, Thomas; Siekmann, Andreas; Trockel, Rosemarie; Wagner, Silke; Wallinger, Mark; von Wedemeyer, Clemens; Wehrmann, Annette; White, Pae
Event Title: Sculpture Projects Muenster 07
Location: Münster, Germany
Copyright Statement: Skulptur Projekte Münster 07; LWL-Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte
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Event consists of various sculptures and performances spread around an urban space.
Don d'Anne Ramsden.

Deposited by: Intern Stagiaire
Date Deposited: 17 Mar 2016 16:14
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2016 19:07
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