Trans VSI Connection NSCAD-NETCO

Askevold, David; Baxter, Iain. Trans VSI Connection NSCAD-NETCO. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1970.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

"The connection consisted of an exchange of information between the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and Iain Baxter's N.E. Thing Co. Ltd., via telex, telecopier and telephone. The N.E. Thing Co. initiated propositions and the college community responded with some appropriate activity. The transmissions from the exhibition are arranged chronologically, with evidence of response following each." p. [2]

Types: Catalogues > Exhibition catalogues ; Artists' publications > Artists' books
All Contributors: Askevold, David (Author); Baxter, Iain (Author)
Dossier: 410 - N.E. THING Co.
Location: Réserve des documents retirés des dossiers
Collation: [216] p. ; ill. : 28 cm
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Artists: Askevold, David; Baxter, Iain; N.E. Thing Co.
Event Title: Trans VSI Connection NSCAD-NETCO
Type: Exhibition
Location: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (Halifax, NS)
Dates: 15 Sept. - 5 Oct. 1969
Copyright Statement: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
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Cover has been damaged and is falling off.
Includes biographical notes.
Don d'Anne Ramsden.

Deposited by: Intern Stagiaire
Date Deposited: 24 Mar 2016 15:11
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2016 19:31
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