Modern Dreams : The Rise and Fall and Rise of PopTools Leffingwell, Edward; Wallis, Brian; Lawson, Thomas; Alloway, Laurence; Whitham, Graham; Barry, Judith; Frampton, Kenneth; Smithson, Alison; Smithson, Peter; Hamilton, Richard and [et alii]. Modern Dreams : The Rise and Fall and Rise of Pop. New York, NY: The Institute for Contemporary Art; Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1988.
Abstract (English)"The voices brought together in Modern Dreams constitute a diversity of views that acknowledge a distinction between the theoretical and sociological production of London in the fifties and conceptually related work of New York in the eighties. The effects of media images, particularly those communicated by photographs and television, can be read in the objects and theoretical strategies presented by the artists, architects and writers included in this publication and the exhibitions that are its source." -- p. [4] of cover.
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