Artificial Hells : Participatory Art and the Politics of SpectatorshipTools Bishop, Claire. Artificial Hells : Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship. London, England: Verso, 2012.
Abstract (English)"Artificial Hells is the first historical and theoretical overview of socially engaged participatory art, known in the US as “social practice.” Claire Bishop follows the trajectory of twentieth-century art and examines key moments in the development of a participatory aesthetic. This itinerary takes in Futurism and Dada; the Situationist International; Happenings in Eastern Europe, Argentina and Paris; the 1970s Community Arts Movement; and the Artists Placement Group. It concludes with a discussion of long-term educational projects by contemporary artists such as Thomas Hirschhorn, Tania Bruguera, Paweł Althamer and Paul Chan." -- Publisher's website.
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