Unmonumental : The Object in the 21st CenturyTools Phillips, Lisa; Flood, Richard; Reisman, Sara; Gioni, Massimiliano; Hoptman, Laura; Smith, Trevor; Godsill, Benjamin; Diaz, Eva. Unmonumental : The Object in the 21st Century. London, England: Phaidon Press, 2007.
Abstract (English)"Unmonumental unveils a signficant recent development in art that takes the definition of sculpture as an autonomous object and shatters it to pieces. Rather than cast or carved, these sculptures have been cobbled together from bits of the world at large. They are of their moment, making gentle or high mockery of a wide range of art histories, from Russian Constructivism to 1980s appropriation art. Far from paying tribute to received notions of the courageous, they are patently anti-heroic. In short, they are a metaphor for our times." -- Publisher's website.
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