Made in Canada : Craft and Design in the SixtiesTools Elder, Alan C.; Coupland, Douglas; Sannella, Samantha; Rabinovitch, Victor; Flaman, Bernard; Gotlieb, Rachel; Large, Michael; Afoldy, Sandra; Bourassa, Paul; Cordner, Brent; Prokopow, Michael. Made in Canada : Craft and Design in the Sixties. Montréal, Qc: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005.
Abstract (English)"Changes in the 1960s included the building of modern airports, first space satellite, and new national symbols such as the maple leaf flag. Canadians embraced this heightened sense of individuality and demanded products that were equally individual. As a result pop culture objects sat on cool furniture influenced by Scandinavian modernism while handmade crafts reflected a growing concern with environmental issues. Expo 67 was the turning point - one final expression of optimism before Canada was rocked by social change and varied struggles for identity." -- Publisher's website.
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