Zine Librarians Code of Ethics ZineTools Berthoud, Heidy; Barton, Joshua; Brett, Jeremy; Darms, Lisa; Fox, Violet; Freedman, Jeena; Hecker, Jennifer La Suprema; Karabaic, Lillian; Kauffman, Rhonda and [et alii]. Zine Librarians Code of Ethics Zine. Durham, NC: s.n., 2015.
Official URL: http://zinelibraries.info/wordpress/wp-content/upl...
Abstract (English)"This document aims to support you in asking questions, rather than to provide definitive answers. Guidelines may not apply uniformly to every situation, but include discussion of disputed points. This gives zine librarians and archivists ideas about what has been challenging in the past and how other zine custodians have dealt with those issues. These points can guide conversations with users, institutions, authors, donors, and communities—including other zine librarians and archivists. The Zine Librarians Code of Ethics is a tool to be used for acquiring, managing, preserving, and making accessible zines in a library setting, whether the collection is housed in a public, academic, or special library; an archives; or a basement. It is not intended to be prescriptive or the absolute word on the subject." -- Publisher's website.
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