Robert Truszkowski : The ConversationalistTools Fornwald, Blair. Robert Truszkowski : The Conversationalist. Regina, Sask.: Dunlop Art Gallery, 2015.
Abstract (English)"Robert Truszkowski is a print-based artist whose work is deeply informed by the history and technology of print media: the history of print is the history of mass communication and the spread of information, enabling the very idea of history to exist. Although Truszkowski’s solo exhibition at Dunlop Art Gallery contains no print media, it is informed by the medium, the discursive weight of its history, its remarkable ability to communicate and disseminate complex information, to shape political, religious, and scientific discourses. Drawing from his sustained pop-culture interests in music, quantum mechanics, and economics, The Conversationalist features exquisitely hand-crafted illuminated channel letters spelling out the phrases LOST CAUSE (A Beck song from his melancholic break-up album, Sea Change), MORAL HAZARD (describing economic risks taken because another party will bear the burden of any failure). Between them, is a mathematical equation, representing the uncertainty principle, also produced in illuminated channel lettering. In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle describes the limits of precision and the degree to which one can determine the position and momentum of a particle. Read together, the three pieces suggest the ubiquity, discomfort, and need to reconcile ourselves to the unknown." -- Publisher's website. RésuméVoir résumé en anglais.
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