Photography and DoubtTools Kriebel, Sabine T.; Zervigón, Andrés Mario; Bear, Jordan; Curley, John J.; Diack, Heather; Gervais, Thierry; Hill, Jason E.; Kaplan, Louis; Kelleher, Sarah; Lavoie, Vincent; Laxton, Susan; Nickel, Douglas R.; Siegel, Steffen; Slifkin, Robert; Sudhalter, Adrian. Photography and Doubt. New York, NY: Routledge, 2017.
Abstract (English)"Photography and Doubt reflects on this interest in photography’s referential power by discussing it in rigorously historical terms. How was the understanding of photographic realism cultivated in the first place? What do cases of staged and manipulated photography reveal about that realism’s hold on audiences across the medium’s history? Have doubts about photography’s testimonial power stimulated as much knowledge as its realism?" -- Publisher's website.
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