Library and Archives ExhibitionTools Tayler, Felicity. Library and Archives Exhibition: 36. (2011).
Abstract (English)"At the end of the 1960s, artists across canada formed collectives to work with others in a way that challenged the boundaries of traditional studio practices and the limitations of museums and commercial galleries. Practices were increasingly ephemeral and performative, moving away from painting and sculpture to the realm of actions and ideas. As art and art making were no longer tied to a physical place, a key concern of these practices became distribution. Thus the transfer of information between artists gained importance and was achieved through documents (correspondence, newsletters, magazines, and artists’ books), the travel of individuals and the development of self-managed exhibition and production spaces. Through the Canada Council for the Arts and other federal and provincial funding programs, these initiatives would gradually evolve into the parallel gallery system, now known as artist-run centres, that supports the development of many artists, curators, and cultural workers today." -- p. [2] of the document.
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