Dora García : Real Artists Don't Have Teeth

García, Dora; Pontbriand, Chantal. Dora García : Real Artists Don't Have Teeth. Paris, France: Rosascape, 2010.

On-site consultation

Abstract (English)

"Real Artists Don’t Have Teeth… This caustic statement is at the heart of a performance by Dora Garcia. As the title suggests, the work relates to the meaning of being a “real” artist, an artist of the Real. Not just an artist but, even more so, a real one in the real world. How can one truly be an artist today?" -- Publisher's website.

Types: Work of art ; Flyers, posters
All Contributors: García, Dora (Author); Pontbriand, Chantal (Author)
Dossier: 440 - GARCÍA, DORA
Location: Réserve des documents retirés des dossiers - Boîte tiroirs 7
Collation: [2] p. (1 affiche pliée) : 42 x 60 cm + enveloppe (30 x 42 cm)
Language of Publication: English
Publishers: Paris, France: Rosascape
Artists: Garcia, Dora
Critics / Curators / Historians: Pontbriand, Chantal
Copyright Statement: Dora García
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Don de Chantal Pontbriand.
Projet d'affiches d'artistes publié à chaque 2 mois.
Oeuvre sur feuille A2 imprimée recto verso sur du papier synthétique Polyart.
Vinyle manquant.

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Deposited by: Artexte Catalogueur
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2018 20:23
Last Modified: 22 Apr 2022 17:59
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