En-tropyTools Katz, Andrew; Krishtalka, Aaron; Mennasemay, Maimire; Milkman, Kenneth; Shoemaker, Richard; Valliant, Lois. En-tropy. Montréal, Qc: Warren G. Flowers Gallery, 2018.
Abstract (English)"Opening on Wednesday, April 18th, at 5:30 pm, the S.P.A.C.E. (Science Participating in the Arts and Culture in Education) program presents en-tropy. Students, alumni, staff and faculty have all contributed to this richly varied and dynamic exhibit featuring multi-disciplinary projects, essays, poems, artwork, photos, objects and videos exploring the thermodynamic concept of entropy–the spontaneous change of a system from order, to disorder or randomness." -- Publisher's website. Edit this item (login required):