Emma Nishimura : The Weight of What Cannot Be RememberedTools Read, Heather. Emma Nishimura : The Weight of What Cannot Be Remembered. Toronto, Ont.: Open Studio, 2018.
Abstract (English)"This is a library, of sorts. Rather than stories written on paper and bound into books, this library, by Toronto-based artist Emma Nishimura, captures the fleeing nature of family memories. Nishimura cares for these memories, visually wrapping them like 'furoshiki', a traditionnal Japanese bundle used to contain food and gifts. The stories here - memories of the experience and effects of the uprooting, exile and internment of 22,000 Japanese Canadians during the Second World War - are sensitive; Nishimura's use of the 'furoshiki' underscores a need for caretaking of these narratives and their people." -- p. [2].
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