Spectacles of Intimacy : Megan Dickie, Jamie Drouin, Suzanne L. Mir, D. Bradley Muir, Lance Olsen, Ingrid Mary PercyTools Carroll, Lora. Spectacles of Intimacy : Megan Dickie, Jamie Drouin, Suzanne L. Mir, D. Bradley Muir, Lance Olsen, Ingrid Mary Percy. Vancouver, BC: Grunt Gallery, 2007.
Abstract (English)" Spectacles of Intimacy explores the role of artist as social spectator: one who witnesses intimate spaces and moments and transports them into the public sphere for debate and dialogue. This exhibition explores the power of the artistic gaze and unravels the concept of spectacle: considering its critical inception in Guy Debord's seminal work 'Society of the spectacle' and redefining it in a contemporary context. " p. [2] of the document
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