Archimemoria : Between Here and There, The Memory of Disruption = Archimemoria : Entre Espaços, A Memoria da Dis-rupturaTools Pilis, Alexander; Baird, George; Boigon, Brian; Holubizky, Ihor; Richards, Larry; Speigel, Susan; Wodiczko, Krzysztof. Archimemoria : Between Here and There, The Memory of Disruption = Archimemoria : Entre Espaços, A Memoria da Dis-ruptura. [Toronto, Ont.]: Archimemoria, 1986.
Abstract (English)Large, loose-leafed boxed publication documenting the installation, lectures and performances revolving around the Sao Paulo exhibition of architectural related work by Canadian artists. This marked the first half of a Canada/Brazil exchange organised by the collective Archimemoria. Introductory essay by George Baird discusses the present relationship of art and architecture with regard to artists shown. Followed by statements/projects/biographies of individual artists. 32 bibl. ref. Edit this item (login required):