Soon we were enroute again : The Margaret Corry Albums (1947-1963)Tools Torres, Mia; Kohan-Harpaz, Idit; Dunne, Naoise; Marshall, Tanya; Levitsky, Erin; Miller, Emily. Soon we were enroute again : The Margaret Corry Albums (1947-1963). Toronto, Ont: Ryerson Image Centre, 2018.
Abstract (English)" This exhibition investigates a collection of photographic albums compiled over seventeen years by Margaret Corry, a well-travelled Canadian expatriate. Relocating from one country to the next with her husband, a United Nations representative, Corry assembled the photographs she made of landscapes, architecture, archeological sites, social events, and portraits into a compelling personal narrative, set against a backdrop of complex geopolitical and colonial change. " -- Publisher's website
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