Springhill Institute Report on ActivitiesTools Bloor, Simon; Bloor, Tom; Draeger, Christoph; Hüttner, Per; Johansson, Peter; Henry, Reuben; Kalleinen, Tellervo; Kochta-Kalleinen, Oliver; Kihlberg, Karin; Montilla, Julia; Saiz, Manuel; Westling, Barbro and The Discriminating Gentlemen's Club / Le Club des Gentilshommes Avertis. Springhill Institute Report on Activities. Birmingham, UK: Springhill Institute, 2007.
Abstract (English)"Springhill Institute is an artist led project space and a centre for the production of new work. Established in 2003 in Birmingham by Karin Kihlberg and Reuben Henry, the space has grown to become a lively point of exchange for a community of local and international artists. This publication, edited by Kohlberg and Henry and with texts by Simon and Tom Bloor and Manuel Saiz, records the range of activities that have taken place at Springhill Institute, including full documentation of work produced during a series of seven international artists residencies by Christoph Draeger, The Discriminating Gentlemen's Club, Per Hüttner, Peter Johansson / Barbro Westling, Tellervo Kalleinen / Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Julia Montilla and Manuel Saiz." -- Back cover. Edit this item (login required):