10 Aboriginal Screen Culture : Celebrating 10 Years of imaginenativeTools Claxton, Dana. 10 Aboriginal Screen Culture : Celebrating 10 Years of imaginenative. Toronto, Ont.: Vtape, 2009.
Abstract (English)"For the 2009 imagineNATIVE Festival, Vtape has had the pleasure of working with the multi-talented, award-winning artist extraordinaire Dana Claxton to produce this publication. Dana’s essay is based on her illustrated lecture/screening, “Aboriginal Screen Culture: Celebrating 10 years of imagineNATIVE”, her very personal selection of twelve dramatic works produced from 1998 to 2007 and previously screened in the festival. Dana’s stated quest to, first, reveal and then define what she terms “aboriginal screen culture,” is ambitious but perfectly suited to her talents as a keen observer and a courageous curator. Each of the dramatic works she has selected speaks with clarity and precision on its own. Woven together through Dana’s delicate but powerful vision, the programme emerges as a witness to what she terms 'indigenous knowledge' - but her sense of inclusiveness puts an 's' on knowledge, eliding perfectly into the expansive and pervasive nature of aboriginal experience as expressed by the artists in Dana Claxton’s programme." -- p. [3].
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