Women in PhotographyTools Abbott, Louise; Crawley, Judith; Jones, Laura; Lindsay, Doreen; Sperber, Aneta W.. Women in Photography. Montréal, Qc: Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal/The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1985.
Abstract (English)"Women have been active in photography since shortly after Daguerre announced the invention of the daguerreotype process in Europe in 1839. But for many years, their contribution went largely unnoticed. In Beaumont Newhall's classic History of Photography, published in 1949, only ten women are mentioned among almost three hundred men. Things are improving slowly. In the recently published Contemporary Canadian Photography, (issued by the National Film Board's Stills Division, which has since been reorganized as the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography), there are twenty-one women among the 128 photographers included. We hope that Women in Photography will continue this process of recognition in examining the role of women n Canadian photography, past and present." -- p. [5].
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