Target Practice : Painting Under Attack 1949-78Tools Bader, Graham; Darling, Michael; Mangini, Elizabeth; Yoshitake, Mika. Target Practice : Painting Under Attack 1949-78. Seattle, WA: Seattle Art Museum, 2009.
Abstract (English)"The contemporary art world moves with such fervor and place that it is often difficult, even for those thoroughly immersed in it, to keep, while New trends pop up with increasing speed, while rankings of artist influence bob up and down constantly in response to what are deemed the pressing issue of our day. Such is a history that is still relatively new and has yet to thoroughly sort itself out with the passage of time and the accumulation of critical distances. Though consensus is still, forming, certain artists such as Lucio Fontana, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol have come to be regarded as immovable stalwarts of recent art history." -- p. [10].
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